Monday, May 21, 2007

Sunny skies and nesting birds

I'm sitting at my desk and birds are flitting by my window. Lots of them. They're hopping in and out of the brush in the abandoned field next door. They're dancing along the fence rail. They're chasing rivals away from the feeder. And they're courting.

So this counts as work, right? Courtship and romance are universal.

All right. I will get back to my fiction, but the interlude was nice!

Maggie Toussaint
Seeing Red coming soon to Freya's Bower


Marci Baun said...

We have a large bush outside our computer room. It has these lovely lavender flowers that draw many birds. The cats go nuts, but I love it. :)


Maggie Toussaint said...

It's nice to know that you also enjoy nature, Marci.
