Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Years from Missy Lyons!

Happy New Year's everyone!

It's time to end the year 2011, whether we are ready or not--and I am ready!!

I am finding myself looking back over the year and evaluating what I did well and what didn't work. I think 2011 kicked my butt and then turned around and did it again. My husband lost his eye this year and my babygirl underwent a her first surgery. My priorities changed and I began to deal with what was most important to me--family. I stopped writing for the first half of the year and then took it up again in Summer and Fall and I think my word count for the year ended up being around 80,000 words. Not bad for putting my writing on a back burner. It's been quite a ride. Now I can't wait for this year to end so I can take the reins back to my life and get this horse and pony show started. lol

In 2012 I already have two releases scheduled and plans to use my time more wisely. I have a few friends that have already written down a list of the books they plan to write. Me? I'm not so organized, but I will be writing.

What are your plans for the New Year?

Lots of love to you all and I hope all your hopes and dreams come true for 2012! Happy New Years!

Missy Lyons

Tonight I plan to break out the bubbly and celebrate until I can't party anymore and then I'll be sleeping it off tomorrow just like this guy. lol Enjoy your New Year's y'all!